8:00-8:15 Students to class or Breakfast Program
8:15-8:30 Morning Announcements & Morning Meetings
8:30-9:00 Interventions
9:00-9:50 Specials Rotation: (Art, Music, PE, Guidance, & Library)
9:50-11:15 Literacy Block
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:10 Recess
12:10-1:45 Math Block
1:45-2:00 Recess
2:00-3:10 Science/Health/ Social Studies
3:10 Dismissal
8:00-8:15 Students to class or Breakfast Program
8:15-8:30 Morning Announcements & Morning Meetings
8:30-8:50 Interventions
8:50-9:50 Math Block
9:50-10:40 Specials Rotation: (Art, Music, PE, Guidance, & Library)
10:40-11:45 Literacy Block (Upstairs)
11:15-11:45 1st Shift Lunch
11:45-12:10 1st Shift Recess
11:50-12:20 2nd Shift Lunch
12:20-12:50 2nd Shift Recess
12:50-1:15 Literacy Continued...
1:15-1:45 Science/Health/ Social Studies
1:45-2:00 Recess
2:00-3:10 Small Group Reading
3:10 Dismissal
8:00-8:15 Students to class or Breakfast Program
8:15-8:30 Morning Announcements & Morning Meetings
8:30-9:30 Class Rotation #1: (English)
9:30-10:30 Class Rotation #2: (Science/Health)
10:30-10:40 Homeroom Read Aloud
10:40-11:30 Specials Rotation: (Art, Music, PE, Guidance, & Library)
11:30-11:50 Interventions/Extensions
11:50-12:20 Lunch
12:20-12:45 Recess
12:45-1:45 Class Rotation #3: (Math)
1:45-2:45 Class Rotation #4: (Social Studies)
2:45-3:10 Study Hall & Classroom Meeting
3:10 Dismissal
*Class Rotation Times differ by sections*